Amateur Radio Station in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
About VE3LXL
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
VE3LXL's QRZ page
VE3LXL's YouTube channel
Licence Class: Basic/Morse Code/Advanced
CQ Zone: 04, ITU Zone: 04, Grid: FN03hq
FISTS: 12828, NAQCC: 3693, SKCC: 1657, SOC: 975, WCC: 279, WSC: 472, 30MDG: 3375, FHC: 4900, DMC: 7453.
Modes: CW, RTTY, PSK31, WSPR.
Rigs: Yaesu FT-897D, Yaesu FT-817ND, Icom IC-745.
Antennas: HF mobile whips.
I operate mainly on HF, mostly in CW and RTTY, and sometimes in PSK31 and SSB. I also run my station as a WSPR beacon from time to time. I am interested in digital modes operation, because it meshes well with my professional persona as a computer guy. A lot of my operations consists of making contacts in contests.
You'll find me mostly on the 20, 15, and 10 metre bands, as they are the most accessible to someone operating with small compromised antennas at lower power levels. Sometimes I'll be found on 30 and 40 metres as well, and on rare occasions on 80 metres.
My main rig is a Yaesu FT-897D, a 100 watt rig. I also do a lot of QRP operation using a Yaesu FT-817ND. And my previous main transceiver, an ancient Icom IC-745, is still in service although not used that often.
I don't operate much on VHF. It's never been my thing. Someday I want to change that.
QSL Info: QSL me either direct or via the bureau. I QSL 100%, as long as you're in my log. An SASE or greenstamp is not required, but would be appreciated. I usually reply by the method you use - i.e., if you send me a card through the bureau, I'll send mine back the same way. I also use eQSL if you prefer that, and you can also QSL me via LOTW. If you use one of these digital QSL routes, I would still appreciate a paper QSL, as only these can be used for many awards. A note to SWLs: Yes, I will respond to QSL requests from SWLs, as long as I can verify against my log that you actually heard me.
Bio: First licenced, as VE3LXL, in Kingston, Ontario in 1979, when I was 16. Operated exclusively on HF in CW in those days. Was on air until early 1982. Dropped out of amateur radio after that and gave up my licence. Was relicenced in 2003, but didn't get back on the air until mid-2005. My old callsign happened to be available, so I was able to get it back. So if you worked VE3LXL between about 1986 and 2003, it wasn't me. I know someone else held the callsign during part of that period, but I don't know who it was. But if you worked VE3LXL between 1979 and 1982, or from 2005 onwards, it was me. And I still have all my logs, in case anyone has some ancient QSL requests they need filled.
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Amateur Radio Blogs
FY/PY8WW – French Guiana1 hour ago
Wouxun KG-UV8D memory management10 years ago
70MHz cumulative - and more SSTV from the ISS10 years ago
QSL cards for TI7/K2DBK12 years ago
A-1 Official10 years ago
EP6T - The Blame Game10 years ago
Making Adjustments6 years ago
Amazing photo10 years ago
Summertime Memories: 201310 years ago
Tapesponding -- Who Knew?12 hours ago
QRP to mobile transatlantic QSO13 years ago
Meter base9 years ago
Ouchie, Mama!8 hours ago
A Sad Truth12 years ago